Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What I Ate Wednesday post...

For this WIAW post we will be concentrating on one particular recipe that I have become quite fond of:  Honey Whole Wheat Bread.  I found this recipe via summer harms.  She makes lots of yummy foods and always attempts to make them healthier.  This recipe is a bit crazy, though, in the fact that it uses three different types of flour:  all purpose, whole wheat and white whole wheat.  (I will risk sounding like a geek by mentioning that I have still a fourth type of flour in my cupboard:  bread flour.  There used to be a time when I thought that flour was flour.)  So anyway, I made this bread for the second time over the weekend and it tasted as good as I remembered.  I did exhibit some self-control and waited about 20 minutes before cutting into the bread in order to allow it to form a "crumb".  Mr. P and I enjoyed it with some butter (only the real deal for this bread) and then for some sandwiches. 
I've included some photos of the baking process.  Although they aren't as pretty as Summer's photos, I hope you enjoy the step by step pictures!

Just mixed dough

After first rising

After second rising


Time to eat!

1 comment:

Alejandra said...

That bread came out perfectly!

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