Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My V-Day project (a day late)

Back in January I was at Michael's and saw some cute Valentine garlands, but they were selling for $20.  They looked simple enough so I attempted my own version with some twine and fat quarters from JoAnn Fabrics.  It was a quick and easy project that has helped perk up my mantel (I get so sad when the Christmas decorations come down).  I also didn't spend anywhere near $20 so it was a win in the finance department as well.  

If you are interested in making something similar, I don't have very precise directions.  I basically ripped the fabric into similar widths and lengths, cut those in half.  Started tying the pieces on my twine--I guestimated the center & tied one there; tied one at each end as well.  Continued tying (double-knotting, actually) at regular intervals, trying to mix up light and dark pink fabrics.  I like the rough edges of the fabric, but it might be a good idea to use a product so they don't unravel (I've also used a candle in the past, but since this is probably not the fire safety method, I am not officially recommending that).

Hope you all had a fabulous V-Day filled with the ones you love!


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