Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I Ate Wednesday

Wow, life has taken me by storm lately!  I'm back to blogging, though, and I'm back with a new series!  Out in blog world there seems to be this trend called "What I Wore Wednesday".  I do love tuning in to what other bloggers are posting, but don't feel very convicted to post my own pics.  Instead, I'm going to take a different variation:  What I Ate Wednesday.  Now, despite the name, I will not be posting just what I ate on Wednesday.  Instead, I will be posting what I've eaten throughout the past week and when possible, link to recipes.  Guaranteed there will not be pics of every dinner eaten, but I will try to include a few different items each week. 
So here we begin:
 Friday night Easter treat:  Chick Cupcakes.  Let me just say they look a lot better than they tasted!

Blueberry muffins with streusel topping, from the Betty Crocker cookbook.  A-MA-ZING.  These are winners everytime.  They will be appearing more regularly around here as I am trying to use up my frozen blueberry reserve. 

 Pizza night!  My favorite!  This was a simple one--a bit o sauce, roasted red peppers, sauteed onions, Artisan Bread crust. 
Dale's pizza version--same as above + pepperoni and cheese!
P.S.  Does anyone want to join in on the WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday) fun? 

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